TCBJEANSは、古き良きアメリカのデニムをサンプリングし、現代の日常服としても魅力的に着てもらえるデニムスタイルの製作と提案にこだわっています。1880~1960年代当時のアメリカのライフスタイルや空気感を紐解き、道具としての扱いやすさ、着ることで気分が高まるような、感覚的な良さを細かいディテールに落とし込んでいます。また、自分達で作って売るというファクトリーブランドとしてのスタイルで、作り手の顔が見える製品づくりを心がけています。TCBJEANSは、「自分たちが本当に作りたい商品だけを作るブランド」というコンセプトのもと、ジーンズのある日常そのものが価値になる、そんなものづくりを目指しています。 The concept of TCB is to produce modern daily denim clothings inspired by good old days American denim products and to propose to you a lifestyle with a good pair of jeans. We are especially committed to putting into our products the details, the vibe, and the mood from those days and pay much respect to denim products as workwear. Workwear should fulfill the duty as workwear but they age beautifully as you wear, which concept is what we love. In addition, we are proud of producing our products and disseminating the value of our products all by ourselves as TCB being a factory brand. What we also would like you to know is that WE ARE MAKING YOUR JEANS! Our biggest motto is that we make clothings that we really want to make. As a result of that, we’d be more than happy if anyone felt empathized with “Good life with a Good pair of jeans”. |